Page name: Nightwish fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-07-30 00:06:03
Last author: speakyourwords
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Nightwish Concerts

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151. [*nightwolf*]
152. [Asfaloth]
153. [Coca-Cola]
154. [Morbid Carrot] Let us all worship Nightwish.
156. [LiLPsychoke] I love their songs, those are so GREAT: Nightwish ROCKS!!!!!
157. [666th_poison] :D nightwish!!! :D i just love them
158. [FiSHr.] - whooooohoooooo
159. [Lithium Lullaby]
160. [Mirindyin] Wheee...^^
161. [Artemis Riddle]
162. [Passion and the opera] Wooo!!!!! I love Nightwish! I love Tarja!
163. [RaineDagyr] Mhm.
164. [GnomviD]
165. [Dark Sekret Love] - OMG Why didn't I see this earlier, Nightwish is one of my all time most favourite bands, I Love Tarja's voice, it's like Ambrosia for my ears.
166. [Sahraminkukka] They are the best!
167. [Azkaronne]
168. [*Eternity*]
169. [boopysnella] i <3 NIGHTWISH!
170. [_habnabit] Nightwish is one of two metal bands I like... the rest are rather crap.
171. [--Insert interesting person here--] a METAL band? are we thinking of the same Nightwish? lol. <3333 Nightwish
172. [*Eternity*]
173. [KnightAngel] better music? very very small choices then o.O
174. [Anthrax]
175. [Rosie.] ^_^
176. [Roma] One of the best bands ever XD
177. [_Lúthien_]
178. [Lilieth Lumino] Nightwish rocks ! ^^
179. [beautiful _ darkness] so kicks ass
180. [Vampire Akis] - the best Symphonic Goth Metal ever!
181. [merihevonen] I grew up listening to them...
182. [Relphien] I just love them..
183. [speakyourwords] they're amazing.

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2005-05-02 [Morbid Carrot]: Is "sup" some very, very morbid formulation of "what's up"?

2005-05-02 [Jace Beleren]: no it´s just short for whats up

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: *tackles [Cookieholic]* hehe

2005-05-03 [Morbid Carrot]: Ah. Thought so. *Writing stuff in the official NW-forum* Hurrah! Anyone else here in that forum?

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: nopey how do i get there?

2005-05-03 [Morbid Carrot]: It's the discussion part at the site... It's just to get a nickname, and then it is a lot of fun. And violence. And joy. (Except for that there is no violence... oh)

2005-05-03 [Cookieholic]: *is back from my own planet hell* =D howdie folks =D

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: *tackles johnny* gotchya

2005-05-03 [Cookieholic]: *tickles callie* heya =P

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: meeps *giggles* gerroff :P

2005-05-03 [Cookieholic]: so what's been happening here since I was gone? =P

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: not mucho

2005-05-03 [Cookieholic]: ow okay =P lol

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: hehe threatening me

2005-05-03 [Cookieholic]: *threatens you with a bagel*

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: *runs away*

2005-05-03 [Cookieholic]: mwuahaha =d

2005-05-03 [Candy Coated Corpse]: hehe

2005-05-04 [Piccolo Sorcio]: hi everyone... it's been a long time =P how's you all?

2005-05-04 [Candy Coated Corpse]: hey luna, i'm cool, u?

2005-05-04 [Piccolo Sorcio]: I'm fine too... bored as always... my bf is still in bed and he won't wake up =S i called him ceveral times, but he won't pick up and his name in msn is {Sleeping} and i just can't reach him =S =(

2005-05-04 [Candy Coated Corpse]: awwies..... kick him? :P

2005-05-04 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Here is what you do: 1. take some dutch tape 2: attach it to subjects leg 3: rip off tape. that'll wake him up-

2005-05-04 [Jace Beleren]: uhhhh that´s got to hurt. i sugest trowing a bucket of cold,very cold water over his head

2005-05-04 [The Coffee-Prophet]: and that won't be unplesant at all? anyways, yeah, it is kinda evil.

2005-05-04 [Jace Beleren]: it will but its´better than you´r solution

2005-05-04 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Without doubt, both alternatives would be kinda fun to watch, from a safe distance, of course

2005-05-04 [Jace Beleren]: of course. cause in any case the subject would wake up feelin extreme pain and feeling like hiting someone

2005-05-05 [Candy Coated Corpse]: i'm confused :P

2005-05-05 [Jace Beleren]: so am i most of the times^_^

2005-05-05 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Confusion is good, it keeps life interesting.

2005-05-05 [Jace Beleren]: yep

2005-05-06 [Candy Coated Corpse]: indeedy doo

2005-05-06 [Jace Beleren]: ^_^

2005-05-07 [Piccolo Sorcio]: well, your solutions were both great, and I would have done it, if he had actually been with me so... but I had to go to his place and his parents said he was still in bed. so I sneeked up and kissed him... then he woke up and he smiled at me and I just melted. *sigh* he's so cute =) anyways... yep yep, confusion is fun sometimes =) Just like uhm... evilness =P

2005-05-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: hehe awwies luna's gone in a lovesick daydream :P! you're worse than me girl!!

2005-05-07 [Jace Beleren]: oh yeah now we´r talking

2005-05-07 [Piccolo Sorcio]: oh gosh... *blushes* I'm so sorry... I just can't help myself. I love him so much... That's why I'm so worried. I'm going to Denmark next week. And I won't be able to see him for 6 days and we're so madly in love, that I'm afraid I will be homesick 20 minutes after we leave =S

2005-05-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: lol i am pretty bad tho :P

2005-05-07 [Piccolo Sorcio]: tell me! tell me!!! =P

2005-05-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: lol noooooooo way lady

2005-05-07 [Piccolo Sorcio]: awww.... why not??? =P *begs you on the knees*

2005-05-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: coz i'll go all red n stuff :P

2005-05-07 [LiLPsychoke]: Just tell her, she told it too!

2005-05-10 [Candy Coated Corpse]: lol whyy??? she doesnt realy wanna know she just wants to embarrass me

2005-05-11 [Cookieholic]: come on, say it!! =D

2005-05-11 [LiLPsychoke]: Jeah, so does everyone!!! I could tell about my boyfriend whitout problems, So you tell us first!!! LOL

2005-05-11 [Cookieholic]: Yeah callie come one!! =P

2005-05-11 [Candy Coated Corpse]: shuttup johnny you just love embarrasing me :P and um... no :P i just get embarrased too easily

2005-05-12 [Cookieholic]: of course I love embarrising you =P it's one of the things I live for =P

2005-05-12 [Candy Coated Corpse]: i know you do :P, still have those pics of me as a terrorist??

2005-05-12 [Cookieholic]: I think so, though I'm not sure =P EVERYBODY!!


2005-05-12 [Candy Coated Corpse]: i have already :P i still have those damn pictures :P

2005-05-12 [Cookieholic]: hahaha =D I just checked, I don't =/

2005-05-12 [Candy Coated Corpse]: XD! want them?

2005-05-12 [Cookieholic]: uhm.... are you going to give them if I say yes? =P

2005-05-12 [Candy Coated Corpse]: yesh but i wont if u say no :P

2005-05-12 [Cookieholic]: then I say... maybe? =P I acn't really use them against you anymore =P I lost msn

2005-05-12 [Candy Coated Corpse]: u could put them on here lol show everyone what a tard i am

2005-05-12 [Cookieholic]: hahaha =D so can you =P hahahaha =P i still love that scarf though =P

2005-05-12 [Candy Coated Corpse]: :P me too, i still have it

2005-05-12 [Cookieholic]: yay =D

2005-05-12 [Candy Coated Corpse]: ^_^ w00t

2005-05-20 [FiSHr.]: hello

2005-05-20 [Cookieholic]: *whispers* hello o.o

2005-05-20 [FiSHr.]: *whispers* hi

2005-05-20 [Cookieholic]: *shouts*

why are you whispering?


2005-05-20 [FiSHr.]: *jumps and and smashes his vinyl collection of nightwish on the floor....* grrr now look what you made me do

2005-05-20 [Cookieholic]: hehe sorry =P *has CD's* =P

2005-05-20 [FiSHr.]: i have the cds too

2005-05-20 [Cookieholic]: whee XD i only have "Once" actually =P the rest is on my computer (am I gonna get arrested now? O.O) I only buy LP's and CD's of Iron Maiden =P the rest i just dowload =P

2005-05-20 [FiSHr.]: ok

2005-05-22 [Cookieholic]: now I remember why I left this wiki =P hardly anyone looks here anymore

2005-05-22 [FiSHr.]: i do

2005-05-24 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me too, but it's just a long time ago my internet wasn't doing weird or something =P So I couldn't log on... how are you guys?

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: I'm okay =)

2005-05-24 [FiSHr.]: lol

2005-05-24 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me too... gosh... there really aren't very much people here eh? =P

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: nope =P haha we can almost start talking in dutch =P

2005-05-24 [FiSHr.]: eeek

2005-05-24 [Piccolo Sorcio]: what's the matter? =)

2005-05-24 [FiSHr.]: nothing i tell you

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: he's scared of the dutch o.O

2005-05-24 [Piccolo Sorcio]: awww... why? The Dutch aren't that scary... and I'm not scary at all... i'm very sweet ((most of the time))

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: yeah sure =P haha =P okay okay i believe you ;) though most dutch are scary o.o

2005-05-24 [Piccolo Sorcio]: who do you think is scary then?? and yesh I am sweet most of the time... i wonder if that has something to do with me sleeping almost all the time =P

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: hehe probably ;) well I'm scary, [amalthea[ is, her cousin is, [@14954], [manalishi], [Ishje] and probably a lot more are too =P

2005-05-24 [Piccolo Sorcio]: hmmmzzz... my brother is scary too, but he just doens't scare me =) ((cause I'm asleep most of the time =P))

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: sander is kinda scary too ;) =P

2005-05-24 [FiSHr.]: no im not scared of the dutch...i just dont know any

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: *points an luna and myself* here are two o.o

2005-05-24 [FiSHr.]: wanna teach some dutch...O.o

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: what you wanna know? =P

2005-05-24 [FiSHr.]: i dunno

2005-05-24 [Cookieholic]: then I can't really help you mate ;)

2005-05-24 [FiSHr.]: ok....

2005-05-25 [666th_poison]: dutch aren't scary.. oww well.. some are.. but i don't mind :p

2005-05-25 [FiSHr.]: lol

2005-05-26 [Candy Coated Corpse]: johnny aint scary, he's just twisted

2005-05-26 [Piccolo Sorcio]: well [FiSHr.] I can teach you I love you in Dutch... that's the thing everyone always wants to know =P it's Ik hou van jou...

2005-05-26 [FiSHr.]: ok...

2005-05-26 [Piccolo Sorcio]: =P

2005-05-26 [FiSHr.]: fair enough......

2005-05-26 [Piccolo Sorcio]: is there anyhitng else you want to know? like how are you? = Hoe gaat het?

2005-05-26 [FiSHr.]: very useful

2005-05-26 [Piccolo Sorcio]: =P i know =P it's kinda dumb, but if you don't tell me something you really want to know, i'll just tell you things that aren't important =P

2005-05-26 [FiSHr.]: what is hello....O.O

2005-05-26 [Candy Coated Corpse]: hehe luna how do u say "date me?" in dutch? XD!!

2005-05-26 [FiSHr.]: XD

2005-05-26 [Candy Coated Corpse]: hehe she knows why :P

2005-05-26 [Cookieholic]: date me = ga met mij uit (litterally: go out with me) =P

2005-05-26 [FiSHr.]: lol

2005-05-26 [FiSHr.]:

2005-05-27 [Jace Beleren]: hey adyta do you have msn messenger?

2005-05-28 [Piccolo Sorcio]: yeah I have... I was thinking of asking you =P lol. If you'd like, I could send it to you with an e-mail... cause I've had trouble with some people on Elftown 6 times now, so I took my e-mail out of my page...

2005-05-31 [Candy Coated Corpse]: thankies johnny :P

2005-05-31 [Cookieholic]: you're welcome dear ;) =P

2005-05-31 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I'm going to see nightwish in june! *bliss*

2005-05-31 [DracoDormiens]: June 10th? In spektrum? Me too!

2005-05-31 [Tableau Vivant]: soo cool!

2005-05-31 [Cookieholic]: I'm gonna see them in august =P

2005-05-31 [Morbid Carrot]: 10th of june! Mee too!

2005-05-31 [Tableau Vivant]: where are you gonna see them, sitting? =P

2005-05-31 [Cookieholic]: Wacken Open Air festival in Germany! =D

2005-05-31 [Tableau Vivant]: so cool =P

2005-05-31 [Cookieholic]: I know, and sonata arctica ;) =P

2005-05-31 [Tableau Vivant]: sonata arctica!! WOOOOHOOO

2005-06-01 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Skools out forever!

2005-06-02 [Morbid Carrot]: ...mhm, except for that I do not care about Mötley Crue. But it could have been worse. It could have been... Lordi. Or HIM. Heeh.

2005-06-02 [Cookieholic]: well I'm going to the graspop festival and there are gonna be a lot of suckish bands like Slipknot and such =S though Iron Maiden will be there!! =D

2005-06-02 [DracoDormiens]: I assume we have standing tickets. We are comiing in... you'd have to ask [Morbid Carrot]. She has the tickets.

2005-06-02 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I don't know much about the other band of the schools out bands. But if nightwish were in concert I'd go even if it was together with Hanson *shivers*

2005-06-02 [DracoDormiens]: Not Hanson! Oh my God, no! NW is playing for an hour, from 21.30 to 22.30, I think. And Motley Crue gets one and a half hour. Unfair!

2005-06-02 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Yeah, but I've never seen NW live, so maybe not Hanson but maybe Eric prydz *shiver*

2005-06-06 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me's going to Germany too =D and my bf asked my parents if i could go to graspop with him =D

2005-06-06 [Candy Coated Corpse]: w00t go luna!!

2005-06-06 [Piccolo Sorcio]: yaaaaaaaaaaay =D well, I have to pay for Germany myself, but my bf's going to pay for graspop =D

2005-06-07 [Candy Coated Corpse]: ooh still very nice

2005-06-09 [Mirindyin]: Hi everyone!

2005-06-09 [Morbid Carrot]: Nightwish... tomorrow... in Oslo! =D=D=D Five hours of line-waiting. Hurray.

2005-06-09 [DracoDormiens]: I'm actually looking foreward to it.

2005-06-11 [Piccolo Sorcio]: i wish i could see them more often

2005-06-11 [The Coffee-Prophet]: good concert, Tarjas voice is so unique Live, Some slightly tipsy Mötley fans next to me ruined some of the fun, but it was a great concert.

2005-06-12 [Morbid Carrot]: Yeah, Nightwish were GREAT! I got eyecontact with Tuomas five times. But I lost all of my things among alle the crazy Mötley-fans...

2005-06-12 [Piccolo Sorcio]: awww... but you HAVE seen Nightwish =D

2005-06-12 [DracoDormiens]: I nearly got molested by four Motley fans and a guard. That was absolutely the worst part. But Tuomas smiled at me twice! The first was a pity smile, because he saw how warm it was in the crowd. And Marco grinned at me and made the \m/ sign. I loved it.

2005-06-12 [Piccolo Sorcio]: that is so coolies!!!

2005-06-12 [Morbid Carrot]: I had eyecontact with Tuomas five times. He smiled at me. =) AND I walked by him after the concert. Harr!

2005-06-12 [DracoDormiens]: Yeah. And he had one bitch under each arm. You can say what you want, but I know what his intentions were!

2005-06-12 [Piccolo Sorcio]: *giggles* you guys are nuts =P *hugs you both* srry, i'm in a hug-mood =P

2005-06-12 [Morbid Carrot]: I still think they were fans! They had to go to Polen. He had no time for such activities. =P

2005-06-12 [Morbid Carrot]: Damn, I am reapiting myself. Oh well. Anyway; Draco, you don't know what you're saying!

2005-06-12 [Piccolo Sorcio]: =P

2005-06-12 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I never imagened that Empu was so.... short, but the whole thing was cool, they played Ghost love score and Kinslayer, my favourites

2005-06-12 [Morbid Carrot]: Emppu is about 1.60, i think... Heheh. Tuomas is 193. They must have problems when taking band pictures. YES, Ghost Love Score! I was almost getting molested when they played it, but it didn't matter. Weha!

2005-06-12 [Tableau Vivant]: lol, i'm bigger than emppu =P and much shorter than tuomas =P  lol!

2005-06-12 [The Coffee-Prophet]: in between

2005-06-12 [Tableau Vivant]: yup

2005-06-14 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me ish just small. *cries* kk, first I didn't mind being small, but now I hate it...

2005-06-14 [Tableau Vivant]: i'm way bigger than you!! =P

2005-06-14 [Piccolo Sorcio]: *cries* I'm not that small =(... kk I AM small, but you still love me don't you? *puppy eyes*

2005-06-14 [Tableau Vivant]: uhm... no =P

2005-06-15 [Candy Coated Corpse]: :O ebil Sander!!! *tackles* hehe that'll teach youm!! :P of course i love ya Luna

2005-06-15 [Tableau Vivant]: *hugs Callie* =P lol

2005-06-16 [Piccolo Sorcio]: yaaaay =) See... i'm still loved... *cries* ok, so you don't love me... but you do like me don't you? *puppy eyes*

2005-06-16 [Tableau Vivant]: not with your puppy eyes =P

2005-06-16 [DracoDormiens]: I think there's too much love in this wiki. Time for some evil! *grins*

2005-06-16 [Tableau Vivant]: EVIL!!! =D

2005-06-16 [Morbid Carrot]: Yes. We need some TRUE and evil people here. Like ourselves, Draco. True Norwegian Black Metal. \m/

2005-06-17 [FiSHr.]: meee....(trying to be)

2005-06-17 [DracoDormiens]: I am SO true and norwegian that I hardly can believe it myself. Are YOU evil enough to like Nightwish? Hm? HM?!

2005-06-17 [DracoDormiens]: Oh, by the way. Norwegians: It seems like the concert in Rockefeller WILL have a 18 year limit. I got an answer to my mail today, and they should see what they could to, but we shouldn't get out hopes up.

2005-06-17 [The Coffee-Prophet]: That do not rule very much, how bout the concert in Trondheim?

2005-06-18 [DracoDormiens]: No age limit. But it's very far away. My parents wont let me, so I NEED that Rockefeller concert!

2005-06-18 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me wants to go to a concert again to...

2005-06-19 [One]: I met nightwish!!!! :D

2005-06-20 [DracoDormiens]: Lucky bastard! How were they?

2005-06-20 [One]: they were great, kinda stressed 'cause it was after the download performance where they could only play 4 songs 'cause there was a bomb scare at their airport, and after that their plane didn't have enough fuel. But they were still smiley and stuff, ti was all good

2005-06-21 [Piccolo Sorcio]: that is soooo cool!

2005-06-21 [One]: yep :D

2005-07-09 [Morbid Carrot]: Rallar!

2005-07-14 [DracoDormiens]: *sings rallarsongs*

2005-07-15 [fearless]: nightwish is one of the greatest bands on the face of the earth they are everything to me and nothing they have saved my soul and gave me a new start in the old ways

2005-07-16 [DracoDormiens]: Huh?

2005-07-16 [_habnabit]: It must be admitted that Ghost Love Score is the best Nighwish song evar.

2005-07-17 [One]: oooh, I can not agree with that, it is a great song though

2005-07-17 [Jace Beleren]: i don´t agree either i prefer wish i had an angel

2005-07-17 [One]: I can't say any of the songs ont he new album come close to being my favourite

2005-07-17 [DracoDormiens]: Once is not a great album. I like CC and Wishmaster better. Actually, I like all the albums better. Except Angels Fall First. Onceis what we in norwegian call a "tøyse-album".

2005-07-17 [One]: I agree totally, Once is a great album, btu all the others are better, including Angels Fall First, which I consider to be the best, what is a tøyse-album?

2005-07-18 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Tøyse-album: A stupid album. I think Once is a ok album, but Century child rocks my socks straight of.

2005-07-18 [One]: Century child is a beautiful album

2005-07-19 [DracoDormiens]: I have the impression that Once is being prefered by those who discovered Nightwish a bit late. So called "newbie" fans. Heeh. Might sound a bit silly, but I am a member in the NW forum, and 80% of the members are morons. I swear.

2005-07-19 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Once is far easier to swallow than Century child and Wishmaster (not litteraly.) In norway Once reached the 8th place on the charts, so a lot of people either started loving or hating nightwish. Me? I got hooked on over the hills.

2005-07-19 [Piccolo Sorcio]: I like all their songs, but I always start crying when I hear "Swanheart"

2005-07-20 [One]: In most forums 80% of people are morons ^_^

2005-07-20 [The Coffee-Prophet]: seconded ^

2005-07-20 [Piccolo Sorcio]: kk =P

2005-07-21 [666th_poison]: nightwish :P whiee.. i have spoken ..amen

2005-07-21 [earthkynd]: i'm going to watch them in august!! i'm so f***ing happy!! ^_^

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